Mrs. Terri Wright » Hurricanes Welcome Letter 23-24

Hurricanes Welcome Letter 23-24

Dear Parents: August 24, 2023

Welcome to the sixth grade at North Davidson Middle School. We are thrilled to have your child on our “Hurricane’s Team”! The Hurricane teachers are  Ms. Fox, Mrs. Leatherman, Mrs. Weaver, and Mrs. Wright. Each day your child will have four core subjects along with two Encore classes.


We believe that communication between parents and teachers strengthens the opportunity for success. We want to create an atmosphere that is conducive for achieving the highest level of educational opportunities. We encourage interaction between parents, teachers, and the student and welcome any comments/thoughts/suggestions you may have. If you need to let us know of any special concerns about your child, please also communicate this in writing via email to these addresses:

[email protected] English/Language Arts

[email protected] Science

[email protected] Social Studies

[email protected] Mathematics

[email protected] EC Teacher

[email protected] AIG Specialist

Our planning time is from 11:00 to 12:30. You may reach us via phone call, however we often have required professional development duties during this time. You may leave us a message or email us. 


Agendas are recommended and should be purchased outside the school since they will not be sold at NDMS.   Please make sure you purchase a WEEKLY FORMATTED AGENDA.  This will give students plenty of room to write down ALL assignments.    

Students will conduct themselves in a manner that protects the right of every student to learn and of every teacher to teach.  Listed below are the class rules for our sixth grade.


  1. Report to class on time with all necessary materials.
  2. Listen carefully and follow the directions.
  3. Be responsible for all assignments and turn them in on time.
  4. Respect the rights and properties of others.
  5. Follow all school, bus, and cafeteria rules.

(Every student is responsible for completing work missed due to an absence. If your child has missed more than 3 days, you may request any work from the teacher to keep your child from falling further behind)Your child must follow the “make up” policy stated in the NDMS handbook.)

Other expectations:

Your child will receive a handbook. We ask that you review this with your child. The handbook will also be reviewed in every class. Please sign the form at the back of the handbook, and have your child sign, and return the form to the homeroom teacher. 

Grades, Grades, Grades!!

Your child will be assigned various activities to complete. Every assignment is just as important as the other; however, some will affect an overall average more than another. Students should organize their work in a binder or whatever notebook the teacher has requested.  

The county grading policy below will be used in all classrooms.




Major Work


Tests. Projects, Presentations, Papers, Performances

Minor Works


Quizzes, Group & Teacher-Led Activities, Notebooks, Cooperative Activities



Homework, Pop Quizzes

  • Grades will be recorded by teachers in PowerSchool (parent-portal). Please make sure that you have log-in information for PowerSchool in order to be able to access your child’s grades as soon as they are recorded in order to stay abreast of your child’s on-going progress.We will not be sending home quarterly progress reports unless you don’t have internet access. Please let us know if this is the case. 
  • We use the “REMIND” app in all 4 core classes to regularly communicate important reminders via text as a group (or individually, in some cases). Please use the form in the initial folder you received to follow directions and sign up to receive these texts.

We look forward to a productive and successful school year!  Your future...our focus!

Respectfully yours,

Hurricanes’ Teachers

Lori Fox - ELA

Holly Leatherman - Science

Wendy Weaver - Social Studies

Terri Wright - Math

Madison Simerson - EC