Becka Lea Runyan » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

PE-Health Grading Policy

One grade will be given for Physical Education. It will be a combination of Physical Education and Health classes. 

Physical Education Grading Rubric-Based on Middle School Grading Policy: 

50% Major Works: Ex. Participation, Fitness Tests, Health Tests, Projects, etc.

30% Minor Works: Ex. Dressing Out, Health Quizzes, Bellringers etc.

20% Classwork: Ex. Fitness Laps, F3 Fridays, Daily Work, Mini Labs, etc.

Participation Grade: All students start with a “100” . Keeping that grade is based on participation, cooperation, sportsmanship and effort during class. Throughout the year the students will be involved in a variety of sports, games, and fitness activities.  Students are EXPECTED to participate in everything to the best of their ability. Students can lose up to 20 points each day,  if there is a lack of effort, refusing to participate, poor sportsmanship, etc. 

 Students will receive a participation grade every 2 weeks.  

Fitness Tests: Students will participate in fitness tests once every quarter.  The grade is based on how the student demonstrates proficiency & improvement in 5 components. The lowest grade for performance tests is an 80, unless a student refuses to participate. They will receive no credit for that one test and 20 points off their participation grade. 

Dressing Out Grade: Students are required to wear their uniform and sneakers (they must be secure on their feet) every day when they have PE.  This is for safety reasons. A daily grade of 20 points will be given for preparedness, adding up to 100 for their weekly dressing-out grade during their PE rotation. 

10 points will be deducted each day a student forgets their uniform (-5 if missing only part of their uniform)

10 points will be deducted each day a student forgets their sneakers (NO Crocs, Hey Dudes, sandals, boots, platform shoes, or anything similar)

F3 (Fun, Fitness, Flexibility): Students will ALL have PE on Fridays. During their health rotation, they will receive a classwork grade based on participation and dressing out for that Friday.